Rain Rain, Go Away
We've all heard the saying, "April showers bring May flowers." The rough, wet season results in bright, beautiful blooms. It's a time when you dread seeing a cloudy sky. You long for warm sunshine to hit your skin. Even though you don't enjoy spending another day inside due to spring showers, you keep hoping for a brighter tomorrow because you know the warmer days are on their way. The same can be said about life's hardships and difficulties.
Why am I relating a nursery rhyme to a life experience? The reason is simple. Your troubles will soon pass. They are not permanent. Dwelling on an issue you can't fix will only worsen the rain. If we pour positivity into our daily lives and accept every situation with an acknowledging heart, we'll see the sun begin to peek through the clouds. I've learned, and am still learning, to be patient with all of life's obstacles. God puts us on a path for a reason, and what's most important is that we trust Him during the process. It's His plan, not ours.
Stress, anxiety, worry, doubt, whatever it may be, is not worth a minute of our time. If the situation you're encountering will not matter tomorrow, next week, or five years from now, then relax and let it go. You're strong, you're worthy, and you're capable of anything you set your mind to. Yes, we come across bumps in the road here and there, but they eventually smooth out and make the road easier to travel. As an overthinker, there are many times when laying out the negative comes to mind quicker than the positive. I hate to admit it, but it's true. I tend to lose sight of where the situation may be leading me. I lose sight of what it's teaching me, or the ways in which it's helping me grow. Challenges in our life can lead to change, but that is not always a bad thing. Life's hardships and difficulties offer insight we haven't previously known.
In life, we have ups and down. We encounter good and bad. There is a reason for the path we are directed towards. Whether we don't get hired for that "perfect" job or get moved down from a high position, end a serious relationship or lose a lifelong friend, or have unknown thoughts about the future, we will continue to grow throughout the heartbreak and despair of these challenges. Whatever may cause trouble in your life, know that it is only temporary. You're on the path to something greater and better than you can possibly imagine.
God has each of us on a special journey. As we get through our challenges, we should do this with open hearts, not disturbed ones. Life takes you many places. Every experience affects how you look at your life, yet this does not have to be a bad thing. Take your difficulties, worries, discomforts, and breathe through what's to come. I promise you, God has your back. Better, brighter days will come, and you will be thankful for the journey it took to find them. Just like April showers, you will be blessed with May flowers...because one day, the rain will go away and the sun will forever shine.
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