Pursuing Prayer in the Good and in the Bad
If you're like me, you find prayer to be comforting. You seek prayer when you feel at your lowest or have a difficult time processing a situation. You know the importance of talking to God, yet spend less time doing so. As much as you strive to improve this, you fall behind and only come to God when you feel you need Him most.
No doubt, this has been one of my biggest struggles. Staying connected with my faith is very important to me, but there are times when I slip up and lose sight of God in my life. I try to take control over unnecessary situations. I lack faith in some parts of my life, and when I recognize this, I pursue the Lord in prayer. I try to talk to Him as a friend; someone I can come to with my troubles because He is forever faithful. The problem I have with this, is that I look to God during times of distress, sadness, worry, anger, concern, etc., and I fail to recognize His love during the good moments. I fail to come to Him in prayer when I am at my highest, having a great day, feeling excited, happy, and overall joyful to be where I currently am in life. Pursuing prayer when we're happiest is just as crucial as joining the Lord in prayer when we feel overcome by tough situations, tough emotions.
God always seeks a relationship with us. He wants to hear about our day, whether it be good or bad. He is with us at all times, so we should strive to pursue Him through it all. You are never left alone. God's love overcomes everything, and through faith, we can ease our minds if we spend just a little more time in prayer with Him each day. Morning or night, or during the day for a quick check in, talk to God. Share your feelings with Him. Seeking prayer helps to heal our hearts from discomfort, but also strengthens the joy we find in the good moments.
Your good days matter as much as your bad days. Let the Lord join you in these moments. Let's pray for each other as we seek to pursue God more often in our lives.
You are loved!!!
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