Perfecting Your Recipe
You know that saying, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade ? ” Well, I think it should go like this: “When life hands you lemons, you learn to make lemonade.” Key word being, “learn.” Why is that you may wonder? Well, everyone’s lemonade recipe is different. If we had the same recipe, why would there be different brands, multiple flavors, or children selling their special “Freshly Squeezed Lemonade” made with love on the front lawn of their home? If the recipe was the same, we would have a consistent sweetness to the taste, the right amount of sugar, and not too little, yet not too many, lemons. Why so much focus on a childhood saying? What is the point? My point is life is not consistent for everyone. The life we experience is not the same life as a friend, as a family member, as a coworker, or as a stranger. Our perception is independent of another’s. So, what I’m saying here is that we can make memories, we take in experiences, and we can live life, but it will neve...